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Strategic Project
- Complete an effective industry, client and target consumer analysis.
- Leverage database marketing segmentation techniques to conduct a detailed consumer segmentation analysis.
- Search out and apply proven database marketing ideas and methods to relevant business situations.
- Use prior knowledge to reason, apply concepts and make critical judgments.
- Create logical and concise marketing objectives and strategies that achieve organizational goals and build a competitive advantage.
- Present a professional marketing proposal/report to a “client”
Project Summary
Fairmont is one of the leading of luxury hotels and resorts. It is the largest luxury hotel management company, as measured by rooms under management in North America. It has been developing new hotels and new tour packages reflecting customer’s needs. Thus, to understand and interact with customers individually is critical for Fairmont’s continuing success. This database strategic plan was created to solve the above problem. Customers who stay at least two nights in average at Fairmont Resort were selected and divided into three segments based on their revenue; Platinum, Gold and Silver.
Project Outline:
- Problem Identification
- Segmentation Strategy
- Marketing Objectives
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing Tactics
- Financial Analysis
- Implementation
- Presentation and written plan
Fairmont Strategic Database Plan | |
Fairmont Client Presentation |
Marketing Management
- Explain the process of strategic planning in an organization and marketing’s role in the planning
- Analyze factors that affect a company ‘s marketing strategy including both internal and external environmental factors
- Apply the basic concepts of customer marketing
- Create a marketing plan for a new product within a real company using information gained from secondary research and applying the concepts of marketing strategy and team process
- Describe how a company manages its product/service mix to build brand equity
- Discuss the value of integrated marketing communications (IMC) and how IMC strategy is applied
Project Summary
One of Canada’s biggest manufacturers of juices Tropicana will launch Pomegranate juice called “PomLife” for the varied consumers ranging from 14 – 50 years. This marketing plan analyses the following: Company Analysis, Competition, Target audience, Market environment, Marketing Mix.
Tropicana Introduce New Juice called PomLife
- Prepare the key components necessary to plan and execute a successful database marketing campaign.
- Explain the elements of designing effective database marketing communications.
- Demonstrate the ability to lever digital technologies for database marketing communications.
- Explain the database marketing industry structure.
Project Summary: TigerDirect.ca has obtained the position of one of the most successful on-line retailers in the computer and computer product industry in North America. To compete with strong competitors and to maintain this position, I and my group members planed a direct marketing campaign to acquire new customers in 2007.
The goal of the campaign is to acquire 500 of new customers and acquire additional $500,000 sales in the end of this year. The media we will use are direct mail and email. We will purchase 450,000 accounts of customer list from a third party company, and send 200,000 of direct mails and 250,000 of emails. Our offers include: a free shipment for laptop computers which cost over $1,000, and 10 percent discount for laptop accessories to those who order any types of laptop computers.
Tiger Direct Web Brief Presenation
Reflections: Discuss the principles of database marketing and the role DBM
Segment the customers based on the similarity of needs and value
Select and target customers using customer segmentation methods
Develop customized marketing strategies & tactics for different customers
Measure results of database marketing campaigns
Examine current issues and trends in database marketing
Project Summary: This project focuses on how the Database Marketing Strategy support overall British Colombia’s marketing effort four and four corner stones: 1. Identify your target customer, 2. Differentiate customers, 3. Interacting with customers, 4. Mass customization of products/ communications. And fallows: Describe ideal customer profile. How do they locate customer data? What would the database contain? How does the relationship grow? Interaction, feedback loop and quality
Database Marketing Strategies for Tourism British Colombia
Reflection: Explain how marketing research can be used to make better marketing decisions in terms of current marketing mix and new opportunities.
Execute a primary marketing research study according to industry accepted standards that provides information needed to make marketing decisions.
Summarize marketing research findings and recommendations persuasively and accurately in oral, written and graphic formats.
Adapt to and apply various and changing technologies, systems and computer applications used in marketing environments.
Project Summary: The latest taste of Tim Hortons is non-caffeinated hot beverage: Hot Smoothee. It was introduced in October 2005 with four flavours: butter caramel, raspberry, hazelnut, and orange. However, the introduction of the new product hasn’t brought a great deal of attention from customers as expected. The management wants to know why Hot Smoothee sales results weren’t successful.
Tim Hortons’ Hot Smoothee Marketing Research Project
Reflections: Demonstrate the ability to develop an effective quantitative research plan
Demonstrate the ability to design and execute a quantitative study
Demonstrate proficiency with basic SPSS data analysis techniques
Demonstrate the ability to summarize and present research results
Project Summary: The survey was conducted at George Brown College on 210 subjects, the majority of whom are students and who are Tim Hortons customers. To attain our primary objective, we concluded that it is critical we channel our focus towards gold customers . The sales of Hot Smoothee is possibly affected by the ineffective commercials (both the content of commercial and its placement). The survey analysis further lead us to conclude that Tim Hortons needed to get to the bottom of the problem as to why customers who have tried the Hot Smoothee are not likely to purchase it again.
Tim Hortons Hot Smoothee Final
Tim Hortons Hot Smoothee Marketing Research Proposal
To develop the ability to analyze financial statements
- To develop an understanding of financial and market performance
- To understand pricing objectives and strategies
- To demonstrate the ability to analyze business opurtunities and develop an action plan
- Develop an assess marketing strategies in response to competitive marketing strategies and marketplace activities
- Explain the fundamental concepts and business uses of data mining
- Describe the critical aspects of customer data for marketing analytics
- Understand the role of predictive modeling in business
- Build predictive model
- Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate techniques for solving business problems
- Understand of the four stages of data mining
Understand and explain the difficulties presented by massive opportunistic data.
- Demonstrate the ability to prepare data for analysis in Base SAS.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform various analyses to support a predictive model in Enterprise Miner.
- Describe the features of Enterprise Miner.
- Conduct association and sequence analysis and interpret the results.
- Build a predictive model in Enterprise Miner.
Computer Applications for Marketing
- Demonstrate the ability to use Microsoft Office Help Systems effectively.
- Demonstrate the ability to use technology for presentations
- Understand Database Management System concepts from the analysis phase to full implementation.
- Perform Database Management techniques in both Access and Excel 2003.
- Explain the process for querying a database.
- Demonstrate effective skills in Data Analysis using Excel
- Understand the difference between various forms of numerical data
Project Summary: Overall Corporate Budget Estimate of Business Marketing Analysis at George Brown College for First Six Months of the 2007
Project Summary 2: Personal Fitness Company specializes in personal training in the comfort of the customer’s home. It designs exercise programs for clients based on each person’s health history, abilities, and fitness objectives. The company is expanding rapidly and you have been hired to develop their database