
turgut_ctlDecember 2000-November 2004, Center For Teaching and Learning
LaGuardia Community College – Long Island City, NY

  • Designed web pages for college departments and professors
  • Trained co-workers and college staff in various software and hardware packages
  • Assisted professors and students in the library in utilizing research resources
  • Managed online courses

ida1Reflections: Information technologies have a big impact on education. We cannot think education without educational technology such as internet.  Students and teachers are responsible for learning these new technologies. Otherwise they will be behind. I was very happy to be part of this program where I learned new technology and teach it to faculty and college stuff. My job mainly involved connecting faculty and students with technology.

Some of my responsibilities:

  • Assisted faculty member to design and develop educational web pages
  • Assisted faculty with design and creation of PowerPoint classroom presentations
  • Provided tutorial assistance on various technology tools
  • Provided assistance in various software applications in the Information Technology Labs
  • Provided assistance in software applications and course management tools to Continuing Education students
  • Assisted students in the use of Wireless technology in the English Writing Center
  • Provided technical assistance to the English as a Second Language Lab
  • Provided assistance in the Library conducting database searches
  • Assisted others  to conduct workshops for faculty
  • Assisted students and faculty with ePortfolio
  • Assisted faculty in the Center Lab
  • Assisted faculty in the ePortfolio Studio
  • Assisted DFL by entering data into Blackboard and managing the content
  • Assisted students during class periods

Following applications/learning tools I used as an Instructional Design Assistant:

MS Word
MS PowerPoint
MS Access
MS Excel
MS FrontPage
MS Movie Maker
MS Publisher
MS Outlook
Internet Explorer
Netscape Compose
Sound Recording
Movie editing
Chat Groups
Digital camera

Sample Project
adobe_acrobat2Project Plan for Office for Student with Disabilities

explorerScheduling and tasks 

media_player2Last Day of Work “What they say about me” coming soon

My Sample Web Design between year 2000 to 2004

Erika Hepner Main Web Design 2B or not 2B ESL Class Web Picture
eheppner_home eheppner_esl
Radio Stories Web Picture Stories Web Picture
eheppner_radio eheppner_stories
Math. H Delcham Web Site
OSD Web Picture
hdelcham osd
Intercultural Communication Class Web Site
Library Research Project
tregan francine
Human Service Worker Web Site 